Fear of the dentist is not something that’s made up. It’s a real thing and it’s something more people deal with than you might imagine. Whether it’s caused by a bad dental experience when you were a child or the fact that you just don’t want to feel like someone else is in control of your body, fear of the dentist can be a paralyzing feeling. One way to get over your fear of the dentist is to find one that does Summerlin dental sedation. Moore Family Dentistry is where you can go to get all types of dental procedures done while you’ve been relaxed through dental sedation.
Anxiety is a terrible thing when it comes to sitting in a dental chair for a lengthy procedure. If you need a root canal or your kids need braces and you don’t think they can sit comfortably through the procedure, it’s a good idea to ask Dr. Moore to use sedation. Sometimes sedation dentistry is called sleep dentistry, even though you’re not really asleep. The gentle relaxing agent used will make you a little groggy, but won’t put you to sleep altogether. It’s just enough to make you relax throughout the procedure so that you don’t get upset.
There are several types of Summerlin dental sedation that can be used by the dentist. Oral sedation means that you are given a pill that relaxes you. The pill, similar to valium, is usually taken about an hour before your procedure so that you’re relaxed when it’s time to start. Although you will feel drowsy, you will technically still be awake. If you have IV sedation, it will be done through a needle in your vein and will generally work faster than the pill. If you are really a basket case before heading to the dentist, you might want to ask about a deep sedation or even general anesthesia so that you’re completely knocked out and have no idea what’s going on throughout the procedure.
When you go in for your appointment with Dr. Moore, you’ll want to discuss your level of dental anxiety and decide which type of sedation is best for you. When it comes to Summerlin dental sedation, you can count on Dr. Moore to make the right decision and make you feel comfortable during all your dental procedures. You can make an appointment by calling one of our offices. Call 702-254-6700 for our Summerlin office for an appointment with one of our exceptional dentists.