14 Apr

Summerlin Root Canal

If you’ve had problems with a tooth, and your gum is red and sore, chances are you may need a Summerlin root canal. When the root of a tooth or the pulp inside the tooth gets infected, the treatment that is necessary is one that takes the infected pulp out of your tooth and replaces it with a material that cannot get infected.

Most of the time when someone talks about a root canal, they talk about all the pain they feel. What they don’t realize is that the pain that they’re feeling is not due to the treatment, it’s due to the infection. What a Summerlin root canal does is relieve the pain that’s in the tooth and takes away the pressure and infection so you can live without pain.

If someone you know has had a root canal that was painful, chances are they went to a dentist who didn’t use the latest technology when taking care of the infection. If there was not enough anesthetic used, there could have been pain during the treatment. However, when you come to Moore Family Dentistry, not only will we make sure you are properly anesthetized, but if you are worried about the treatment, ask Dr. Moore about sedation dentistry. If you are sedated, you won’t need to worry about any pain during this particular dental treatment.

Years ago, dentists had no other option than to pull a tooth that was infected. But with the new advancements in technology, Summerlin root canal therapy is now the generally used treatment. By simply removing the infection and filling the tooth so it can’t become infected again, Dr. Moore can actually save your tooth and avoid the need for an implant or oral surgery. So call Moore Family Dentistry at 702-791-1010 in Las Vegas or 702-254-6700 in Summerlin for a dental appointment today.


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